Dental Insurance

No Dental Insurance? No problem! At Dr. Roderick A. Garcia’s Dental Practice we provide dental services from basic to complex in a friendly, safe environment for patients of all ages with or without dental insurance. We are a fee for service dental office and we do accept most dental insurances on behalf of our patients but if you and your family do not have dental insurance, we offer an in office dental plan that make our dental services affordable and allows our patients to receive the excellent dental care we provide. We also provide dental financing through care credit and lending tree, it’s like a dental credit card. Not having dental insurance does not mean you can’t receive quality dental care, it just means you don’t have a dental insurance company dictating what kind of dental care you can receive. For more information on how we can help or to schedule an appointment call Roderick A. Garcia DMD at 505-821-6119 and visit Dr. Roderick A. Garcia has provided his patients outstanding dental care since 1983.

Full Service Family Dentristy

Roderick A. Garcia DMD is a Family and Cosmetic dentist serving the Albuquerque community for over 3 decades.

Dr. Garcia provides his patients of all ages a full range of dental services from simple to complex.

At Dr. Garcia’s comprehensive dental care is given with good old fashioned service and compassion.

Although Dr. Garcia provides complex dental care he also does general family dentistry for the entire family. Are you ready for a great dental experience?

To learn more about Dr. Garcia and his dental practice, call Roderick A. Garcia DMD at 505-821-6119 and visit

Dental Bridges part 2

Roderick A. Garcia DMD is a Family and Cosmetic dentist with over 38 years of dental practice experience. At Dr. Garcia’s practice a full range of dental procedures is offered to his patients from simple to complex dentistry. Dental Bridges is one of the procedures offered.

Dental Bridges are fixed dental restorations that replace one or more teeth.

Dental Bridges are typically made of solid zirconia (for strength) or zirconia with porcelain fused to it for better aesthetics in the smile line. Some bridges in the back of the mouth may not need porcelain if not in smile line. The process requires the preparation of teeth adjacent to the missing teeth ( tooth in front and back of the missing tooth/teeth). Once the teeth are prepared to support the dental bridge, an impression mould is made and sent to the lab for the fabrication of the permanent bridge. A temporary bridge will be placed immediately to cover the prepared teeth and 2 to 3 weeks later the permanent bridge is placed checked for an accurate fit, adjusted, and permanently cemented into place.

Dental Bridges can last 10, 15, 20 years or longer depending on fit, patient home care, regular dental check ups, and oral chewing habits (what the patient bites and chews on).

For more information on Dental Bridges call Roderick A. Garcia DMD 505-821-6119 and visit us at

Dental Bridges

Dr. Roderick A. Garcia is a practicing Cosmetic and Family Dentist and has served his patients with excellent dental care since 1983.

Of the many dental procedures Dr. Garcia offers his patients, Dental Bridges is included.

Dental Bridges are permanent fixed restorative replacements for one or more missing teeth. Once a tooth is lost, the adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth are are prepared and used as anchors to hold the dental bridge replacing the missing tooth.

The teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are prepared like crowns in a parallel fashion, a mould is made of that area for the dental lab, a temporary bridge is placed and left in place for 2-3 weeks while the permanent bridge is fabricated by the dental lab.

Once the Dental Bridge is completed, the temporary dental bridge is removed and the permanent dental bridge is permanently cemented and the bite adjusted. The permanent bridge is fixed in place and not removable by the patient.
Dental Bridges done properly with excellent tooth anchor support, great home care with regular dental maintenance visits will allow the dental bridge to last many years.

For more information on Dental Bridges, call Roderick A. Garcia DMD at 505-821-6119 and visit