Potential Risks and Side Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implants
Dental implants


A graduate of the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Roderick Garcia, DMD has been successfully practicing family and cosmetic dentistry in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for more than three decades. Among other procedures performed at his practice, Roderick Garcia, DMD is experienced with dental implant technology.

Dental implants can be an effective way to replace missing or damaged teeth that need to be removed. As with any medical procedure, however, there are certain risks and side effects that can potentially occur.

Smokers and those who suffer from diabetes can experience inflammation at the implant site, as well as infection. This can also occur when the patient does not implement adequate dental hygiene, causing bacteria to build up in the area.

In some cases, the implant can be rejected by the patient’s immune system, though the specific cause for rejection is unknown. Research has shown that smokers are at an increased risk of rejection, as well as individuals who have titanium allergies and those who regularly grind their teeth.

An inexperienced dentist can cause nerve damage at the implant site if he or she doesn’t employ the proper anesthetic techniques. That’s why it’s vital to seek out an experienced professional who has a track record of successful implant procedures.