Causes of Uneven Gum Lines

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Roderick Garcia DMD

A passionate dentist in New Mexico, Roderick Garcia, DMD has spent more than three decades providing family and cosmetic dentistry to patients in Albuquerque. Through his own practice, Roderick Garcia, DMD provides a wide range of cosmetic procedures, including bite adjustments, whitening, and gum contouring.

Gum contouring is a cosmetic dental procedure that corrects gums that rest too high or too low on the teeth. Most uneven gums are a problem for adults around 40 years old and some teenagers. While children can be born with uneven gums, the overall appearance may change as children mature and grow their permanent teeth. Excess gum tissue is often the result of genetics, pregnancy, and medication side effects. There are also some cases when it occurs as a result of secondary health issues such as diabetes or inflammation due to poor dental hygiene.

Meanwhile, receding gums are often associated with gum disease. Again, this problem results from poor hygiene, as well as incorrect brushing and flossing techniques. Over-brushing or brushing too hard can result in gum line shrinkage, as can certain medications. Further, age is a common factor in decreased gum size. This is why uneven gums are a common problem among adults who have reached middle-age.

The Steps of a Root Canal Procedure

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Root Canals

Roderick Garcia, DMD is an experienced cosmetic and family dentist that currently provides dentistry services in the Albuquerque, New Mexico region. A graduate of the University of New Mexico and the DMD program at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Roderick Garcia has experience in a full range of dental services including root canals.

A root canal, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure that treats and corrects an infection of the soft tissue within the root canal. The root canal is the lower portion of the tooth that lies beneath the gum line. The term endodontic stems from the Greek words endo, which means inside, and odont, which means tooth.

A root canal is a common dental procedure that is performed by a dentist or endodontist. The first step of the process is an examination and X-ray, followed by a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Following this, an opening is made in the tooth to remove the infected tissue from inside the root canal. Next, this space is filled with gutta-percha, a material similar to rubber, and then capped with a temporary filling to close and seal the space.