Roderick A. Garcia DMD is a Cosmetic and Family dentist whose practiced in Albuquerque for over 36 years

Roderick A. Garcia DMD is a Cosmetic and Family dentist whose practiced in Albuquerque for over 36


Dr. Garcia helps his patients with a full array of dental services and procedures. Cosmetic Dentures is one of the dental services offered to his patients. Cosmetic Dentures replace all teeth upper or lower in a way that creates a beautiful smile, corrects lip support, and establishes a great profile. Cosmetic Dentures also position teeth so that speech and function is as normal as possible and mimic natural teeth.

Some patients may have too much bone loss for dentures to fit properly and may require a bone graft and implants to allow for Cosmetic Denture placement. For more information on Cosmetic Dentures and to see if you are a candidate, call Roderick Garcia DMD at 505-821-619 and visit

What to Expect During a Zoom Whitening Session

Recognized as one of Albuquerque, New Mexico’s top cosmetic dentists, Roderick Garcia, DMD performs diverse procedures for veneers, implants, and whitening. Moreover, Roderick Garcia, DMD offers in-office Zoom teeth whitening.

Zoom whitening procedures combine lightening hydroperoxide gel with an ultra-violet lamp device. Dentists begin the procedure with a thorough cleaning to remove tartar. The patient’s teeth, gums, and lips are treated with a protective solution before the whitening gel is painted onto the teeth’s surface. After the gel application, the dentist will activate the gel by holding the UV lamp against the teeth for three 15-minute rounds.

Following the last round, the dentist will apply a fluoride solution that reduces sensitivity. While the results are visible right away, patients must brush the fluoride solution off their teeth within half an hour and perform touch-ups at home. To maintain results, patients should avoid harsh beverages such as coffee, dark sodas, and red wine. Likewise, smoking and using other tobacco products is not advised.

Contact Roderick A. Garcia, DMD at 505-821-6119 or visit for more information.

Roderick A. Garcia DMD a Cosmetic and Family Dentist has offered and provided a wide range of dental procedures for his patients since 1983

Roderick A. Garcia DMD a Cosmetic and Family Dentist has offered and provided a wide range of dental procedures for his patients since 1983. 

Among the many dental procedures Dr. Garcia offers his patients, helping them getting back to optimal oral health is one of them.  All patients will have different dental and periodontal(gum) concerns and through a thorough exam and x-rays, areas of breakdown of teeth and gums can be determined,and a treatment plan developed to achieve optimal dental and periodontal health.

A detailed and comprehensive exam will evaluate oral tissue health( oral cancer exam), tooth by tooth evaluation for decay, fractures, wear, drifting, tooth alignment, mobility, poor fitting crowns and fillings, periodontal gum health around each tooth to determine bone loss and the level of periodontal disease that exists.  Calculus, plaque,and stain is evaluated as to it’s level and degree present.  A patients bite is evaluated in the way the teeth come together and if the patient is biting correctly on each tooth. 

The TMJ is evaluated as well as the jaw muscles, neck lymph nodes, and thyroid.  Airway(nasal and throat area) is checked and evaluated.  If needed, a more detailed dental exam may be required if tooth discomfort or if teeth are missing. A comprehensive exam is not just an exam it is very detailed and thorough. For more information on how a comprehensive exam can help you achieve optimal oral health contact Roderick A. Garcia DMD at 505-821-6119 and visit