Receiving a Dental Implant – What to Expect


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Dental Implants

Roderick Garcia, DMD, has practiced cosmetic and family dentistry in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for more than 30 years. In that time, Roderick Garcia, DMD, has provided numerous patients with dental implant restorations.

When a patient is missing one or more teeth, dental implants offer a replacement option that functions and looks similar to the natural teeth. Implants are fixed securely in the jawbone by way of one or several metal posts, each of which resembles a small screw.

Because an implant requires the patient to have enough bone to support the post, some patients will need a bone graft in advance of the procedure. The dentist will either remove bone from another part of the patient’s body or use artificial bone, which the dentist will place where more bone is necessary. Most bone grafts will require several weeks to a few months in order to generate new bone, although some grafting procedures will be so minor that they can be done on the same day as the implant surgery.

In the implant surgery itself, the dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision in the gum in order to access the bone. He or she then bores a hole in the bone and places the post deeply into that space. Some patients may receive a post that allows the attachment of the replacement tooth on the same day, although most patients require a few months of healing before the tooth is put in place.

Patients who receive their replacement tooth at a later date may wear a temporary denture in the meantime, as the jawbone grows into and fuses with the implant post. Some patients may then need to return to the dentist to receive an attachment piece, known as an abutment, to which the crown attaches. However, some implants have this piece integrated into the post.

The final step in receiving an implant is the placement of the crown. This is created for the patient based on impressions of his or her mouth and attaches permanently to the post. Once attached, the look, feel, and function of the crown is virtually identical to the natural tooth it replaced. For additional information on the implant process, patients may contact Dr. Garcia at 505-634-5029 or visit